:: Welcome to Gsus Net ::
Gsus Net 是一個收集各種關於敬拜讚美教學資源的網誌。希望能夠幫助大家在敬拜上有更深層的認識與學習,技巧的增長,靈命的加強。最重要的是讓我們專注於 神的身上,將最好的獻給祂。
Gsus Net is a blog with collections of Chinese Christian Praise & Worship songs, tutorials, sharings, Bible teachings, etc. We hope this can encourage everyone's understanding and experience on worship, and also enhance skills, and most importantly a closer relationship with God.
Monday, October 18, 2010
[詩歌分享] The Father's Song by Matt Redman
Matt Redman (簡介)是我最愛的Worship Leader and Song Writer之一。和Chris Tomlin同為Passion worship team的artists。創作包括膾炙人口的Blessed be your name、Better is one day、Once Again等經典詩歌。但除此之外,當我聽到這首The Father's Song、旋律和歌詞馬上深深地感動我的心。Share with you :)
I have heard so many songs
Listened to a thousand tongues
But there is one
That sounds above them all
The Father's song
The Father's love
You sung it over me and for eternity
It's written on my heart
Heaven's perfect melody
The Creator's symphony
You are singing over me
The Father's song
Heaven's perfect mystery
The king of love has sent for me
And now you're singing over me
The Father's song
I have heard so many songs
Listened to a thousand tongues
But there is one
That sounds above them all
[Sounds above them all]
The Father's song
The Father's love
You sung it over me and for eternity
It's written on my heart
It's Heaven's perfect mystery
The king of love has sent for me
And now you're singing over me
The Father's song
The Father's song
The Father's love
You sung it over me and for eternity
It's written on my heart
[It's written on my heart]
The Father's song
The Father's love
You sung it over me and for eternity
It's written on my heart
It's written on my heart
You sing it over me
Guitar Chords
Friday, October 8, 2010
[詩歌分享] 日文詩歌 Found in You
Written by Lisa Davidson
Translated by Emi Shirasaya
See the blog post for lyrics and info.
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