*****聖 誕 快 樂*****
*****新 年 蒙 福 *****
Gsus Net 是一個收集各種關於敬拜讚美教學資源的網誌。希望能夠幫助大家在敬拜上有更深層的認識與學習,技巧的增長,靈命的加強。最重要的是讓我們專注於 神的身上,將最好的獻給祂。
Gsus Net is a blog with collections of Chinese Christian Praise & Worship songs, tutorials, sharings, Bible teachings, etc. We hope this can encourage everyone's understanding and experience on worship, and also enhance skills, and most importantly a closer relationship with God.
*****聖 誕 快 樂*****
*****新 年 蒙 福 *****
7. 那日大衛初次藉亞薩和他的弟兄、以詩歌稱頌耶和華、說、
8. 你們要稱謝耶和華、求告他的名、在萬民中傳揚他的作為。
9. 要向他唱詩、歌頌、談論他一切奇妙的作為。
22. 你們所拜的、你們不知道.我們所拜的、我們知道.因為救恩是從猶太人出來的。
23. 時候將到、如今就是了、那真正拜父的、要用心靈和誠實拜他、因為父要這樣的人拜他。
此文是在Worship Together Blog上面看到很簡短的靈修分享,是一項簡單卻基本的提醒,在此翻譯成中文和大家分享。要看原文請按此。
神不需要我們歌唱 / 威廉思吉米
7. 我的民哪、你們當聽我的話.以色列阿、我要勸戒你.我是 神、是你的 神。
8. 我並不因你的祭物責備你.你的燔祭常在我面前。
9. 我不從你家中取公牛、也不從你圈內取山羊。
10. 因為樹林中的百獸是我的、千山上的牲畜也是我的。
11. 山中的飛鳥、我都知道.野地的走獸、也都屬我。
12. 我若是飢餓、我不用告訴你.因為世界、和其中所充滿的、都是我的。
13. 我豈喫公牛的肉呢.我豈喝山羊的血呢。
14. 你們要以感謝為祭獻與 神.又要向至高者還你的願.
在第9~12節中 神是在說:「謝謝你這麼努力,但我真的不需要你的歌唱(獻祭)。」
神的創造作為,就是一首比我們所作任何一首歌還要美好的歌曲,我也不認為世上歌手的歌聲能夠比得上天使的合唱。唯一我們能給 神的,除了一顆感謝且完全擺上的心之外,沒有別的。
FreeDrumLessons.com 是一個收集了非常多鼓手教學影片、文章和討論的資源中心。提供的資源適用於初學者或者想要進一步深造的鼓手。還有介紹之名鼓手和其他相關的文章。
beginner drum lessons 包含了可以讓一個完全不會打鼓的人學習如何打鼓的資源影片,另外還提供討論區,申請帳號即可發問尋求專家的教導。
在Youtube上找到了一系列Paul Baloche的教學。以下是三項基本樂手的要領:鍵盤手、貝斯手和鼓手。
提供敬拜團團長如何挑選樂手的方向 也提供對敬拜團參與有興趣的人有一個努力的方向。
鍵盤手 Keyboard
貝斯手 Bass Player
鼓手 Dummer
by wenshian
鍵盤手的角色,其實是很重要的,雖然在現代音樂中,大多強調吉他、鼓和貝斯。但當其他樂器手不足時,鍵盤手能夠提供的乃是多元化的音色。因為即使是 一個最陽春的Keyboard,至少也有兩三種不同樂器的音色。而音樂中最重要的架構:節拍和旋律,鍵盤都可以包含在內。為什麼最常用鋼琴和弦樂?在這一 次專業演出中,我們的音樂總監給了幾個tips,學以致用後很有效,在此分享一點心得。
在現代教會敬拜讚美中,鍵盤手大多提供鋼琴和弦樂的音色。若只有一台鍵盤手,通常就得捨弦樂只彈鋼琴。但若只有鋼琴,仔細一聽,是否有種很單薄的感 覺?鋼琴的音色可以有節拍,也可以有旋律,但是厚度不足弦樂團的音色,而且這些由吉他以可以提供。在那次與專業樂手同台的學習中,我學到Keyboard 最快決定的兩種音色就是鋼琴和可製造厚度的Pad,例如弦樂就是可以製造厚度,或說空間感的音色。最近一次敬拜團練習中,只有我一台鍵盤手,於是我嘗試以 Pad為鍵盤配樂主軸,結果效果很好。比起與吉他搶音色,反而可以填補空間,讓整體音效很飽滿。
我知道很多鍵盤手的背景都是鋼琴。所以對於彈弦樂或Pad這一類的音色,彈法是有差別的。鋼琴會要彈比較多音,但弦樂相較比較容易,要注意的是指壓 要能cover每一個聲音的空隙,彈下一個音時,上一個音的指頭先不要放掉。也多用和絃,三度,五度,八度,或有sustend的四度或二度音。另外增加 一些層次Layers,像有很多把提琴在拉,想像指頭下是一個弦樂團吧。
by 小非
The websites I go to most often are:
www.musiciansfriend.com (same company as Guitar Center)
Some other websites you can use for price comparisons:
www.samedaymusic.com (sometimes have good prices)
www.samash.com (sometimes have good prices)
www.music123.com (same company as musiciansfriend.com & guitar center, but might have different promotions)
www.zzounds.com (same company as americanmusical.com, but might have differnet promotions)
www.guitartrader.com (in CA so have to pay tax, but sometimes may have good scratch&dent deals)
The website I recommend the most is musiciansfriend.com because they have largest selection and usually better prices. Perhaps you can use their site to look for the appropriate guitar, and then check other website for price comparisons.
There are two kinds of electric guitars, one has single-coil pickups (thinner sounding), and the other has humbucker pickups (muddier but fuller sounding). Single-coil pickups are closer to Chris Tomlin's rhythm sounds, whereas humbucker pickups are closer to Hillsong United hardrock sounds. I believe our English congregation is geared more towards the humbucker style.
I personally own about 10 guitars, and only use 4 of them for worship (2 humbuckers and 2 single-coils, depending on what kind of music).
They are:
1. Epiphone Dot Deluxe: Humbuckers, very versatile, can play jazz and hardrock
2. Epiphone Les Paul Black Beauty: Humbuckers, pefect for hardrock. I use this for United songs.
3. Fender Standard Stratocaster: thinner sound but very versatile and clean sounding (and bright). I use this for mandarin worship.
4. Squier Classic Vibe 50's Telecaster: very clean thin sound, I use it for worship leading where I only strum and no solos
There are plenty of good guitars priced between $300 to $400. I personally would avoid anything below $300 (unless it's a scratch&dent guitar that is originally above $300). I would also avoid any "starter's packs" because they don't have good quality and usually don't have any room for future upgrades (for example, change pickups to better ones).
High wattage is not necessary. Usually amps are 15watt, 30watt, and 60watt or above. 15watt is good for home use. 30watt is good for onstage monitoring. 60watt is good for onstage monitoring if you are standing close to a drummer.
Roland, Line6 and Peavey usually make really good fancy amps with built-in effects. Good examples are here, here and here. These amps model different famous amplifiers, as well as some basic effects.
More options here, they are all pretty inexpensive.
If you have an existing keyboard amp, then you can afford a good multi-effect unit. Here is a complete listing of what they are. You really can't buy a bad one because they are all very well-built and all have good reviews online. I highly recommend Line6, Digitech, and Rocktron for their user-friendly interface. Boss is way too hard to use (I have a Boss GT-10). Vox has a tube inside therefore is high-maintainance.
You can buy a keyboard amp to go with the multi-effect because they work well together. Or you can also look at some cheap tube amps that don't have built-in effects (because you have your own) that offer a very good non-digital, analog tone.
ps: you can also try craigslist.com for some good deals. There are lots of people selling their used guitars/amps/pedals, can be a good place to start before you invest too much money.
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