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Gsus Net 是一個收集各種關於敬拜讚美教學資源的網誌。希望能夠幫助大家在敬拜上有更深層的認識與學習,技巧的增長,靈命的加強。最重要的是讓我們專注於 神的身上,將最好的獻給祂。

Gsus Net is a blog with collections of Chinese Christian Praise & Worship songs, tutorials, sharings, Bible teachings, etc. We hope this can encourage everyone's understanding and experience on worship, and also enhance skills, and most importantly a closer relationship with God.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

[詩歌資源] 煉淨的火 Consuming Fire - Hillsong United

好久沒有分享詩歌資源囉!今天介紹的是Hillsong united的Consuming Fire。在美國的KLOVE基督教電台常常撥放。也是一首激勵人心來尋求 神復興的火降臨在我們身上的詩歌。這首歌在我們教會(生命河靈糧堂)還滿常唱的,但是網上怎麼找都找不到中文錄音版。我想因為中文版是劉彤牧師翻譯,但我們並沒有把此曲正式錄音起來。在Youtube上面的都是英文版的...。若能找到中文版我會再來更新的!

煉淨的火 Consuming Fire

中文歌詞 (譯: 劉彤)

我們渴望更多 神的氣息來吹進我
我們渴望更多 神的聖靈我等候你
求再來充滿我 求再來充滿我

煉淨的火 來燃燒我 賜我火熱的心
神的聖靈 降臨此地 照你旨意 照你旨意 運行

聖靈疾風吹來 至高能力求覆庇我
使被擄得自由 使我消失在讚美中
願你榮耀降臨 願你榮耀降臨

煉淨的火 來燃燒我 賜我火熱的心
神的聖靈 降臨此地 照你旨意 照你旨意 運行

English Lyrics
There must be more than this
O breath of God, come breath within
There must be more than this
Spirit of God we wait for You
Fill us anew we pray
Fill us anew we pray
Consuming fire
Fan into flame
A passion for Your name
Spirit of God
Fall in this place
Lord have Your way
Lord have Your way
With us
Come like a rushing wind
Clothe us with power from on high
Now set the captives free
Leave us abandoned to Your praise
Lord let Your glory fall
Lord let Your glory fall
Consuming fire
Fan into flame
A passion for Your name
Spirit of God
Fall in this place
Lord have Your way
Lord have Your way
With us

Consuming Fire 煉淨的火 (Chinese)