啓示錄之歌 Revelation Song
以下是十一國家在Gateway Church一同敬拜的影片
啓示錄之歌 Revelation Song
歡迎大家支持正版! 今天台灣時間已經開賣!
Gsus Net 是一個收集各種關於敬拜讚美教學資源的網誌。希望能夠幫助大家在敬拜上有更深層的認識與學習,技巧的增長,靈命的加強。最重要的是讓我們專注於 神的身上,將最好的獻給祂。
Gsus Net is a blog with collections of Chinese Christian Praise & Worship songs, tutorials, sharings, Bible teachings, etc. We hope this can encourage everyone's understanding and experience on worship, and also enhance skills, and most importantly a closer relationship with God.